Plant, Peter Panzarella 135 - 8 Primary Prevention in Adolescent Substance Abuse / Martin Bloom, Thomas P. Fine 119 - 7 Residential Treatment of Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders: Evidence-Based Approaches and Best Practice Recommendations / Robert W.
Muck 97 - 6 Evidence-Based Family Treatment of Adolescent Substance Abuse and Dependence / Shaun I. Botzet, Tamara Fahnhorst, Randy Stinchfield, Rachel Koskey 73 - 5 Adolescent Outpatient Treatment / Richard Dembo, Randolph D. Ives 45 - 4 Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment: A Review of Evidence-Based Research / Ken C. Martin 15 - 3 Individual Characteristics and Needs Associated with Substance Misuse of Adolescents and Young Adults in Addiction Treatment / Michael L. Gullotta 1 - 2 A Biological/Genetic Perspective: The Addicted Brain / Thomas H. Throughout this report, data from the last Harrison Survey in 2013 are used for comparative purposes"-Executive summary.ġ A Selected Social History of the Stepping-Stone Drugs / Thomas P. The survey generates broad but important findings for discussion and analysis in three areas: CME/CPD's structure, its function relative to relationships and educational methods, and its scope, reach, and impact. Survey findings will benefit those in the CME/CPD field who can use the data to assess and enhance the shape and scope of CME/CPD and who will share the information with AMC leaders, including deans, CEOs, and others. The purpose of the survey is to help identify and understand the placement and alignment of the CME/CPD unit within the academic medical center (AMC). Finally, possibly as a result of the first two elements, there is an increased focus on assessing the impact of CME/CPD activities on learner competence, performance, and health care outcomes. Second, it demonstrates numerous examples of innovation and scholarship in educational design and operation.
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First, continuing medical education/ continuing professional development (CME/CPD) is increasingly integrated into the functions and missions of academic medical centers, academic health systems, and medical schools of the United States and Canada. "The seventh biennial Harrison Survey, jointly sponsored by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME), documents an academic enterprise that displays three major characteristics, somewhat in opposition to its traditional image as an isolated, passive educational entity.